7-zuva remahara muedzo
Mitengo muUSA
Kubhadhara kwegore
Sarudza7-zuva remahara muedzo
Kubhadhara kwegore
Sarudza7-zuva remahara muedzo
Kubhadhara kwegore
Sarudza7-zuva remahara muedzo
^ Haisanganisi mari kubva kuStripe
Quizzes: 3, Mibvunzo: 10, Mhinduro: 100, Bvuma kubhadhara (Fee: 20%)
Nhamba shoma yekushambadzira inoratidzwa pamibvunzo yako
Creating a quiz is super easy with Fyrebox.[...] The quiz maker contains a lot of other great features, which enable you to set a time limit, customize the look and feel of your quiz, and even use your own custom background image. When you want to create quizzes to build strong rapport with your blog readers, and give potential clients a taste of your expertise, you should consider using Fyrebox.
Neil Patel,
Using Fyrebox, viewers to our online exhibit were able to explore important concepts and ideas in an engaging manner and, in fact, played the games several times to experiment with other answer combinations. This engagement creates viewers that are interested and connected with the content.
Bethany Aitchison, Curatorial Assistant,
Canadian Forces Museum of Aerospace Defence
Iwe unofanirwa kusimudzira kana iwe uchida kuunganidza unlimited led uye kubatana nezvimwe zvinoshandiswa. Semuenzaniso, iwe unogona kutumira otomatiki inotungamira kuInsusionsoft, Hubspot kana Mailchimp.
Zvakareruka kwazvo, takashanda nesimba kugadzira Fyrebox bhokisi rezvakanakisa zvemibvunzo paInternet. Vanopfuura 90% yevashandisi vedu vanogadzira quiz mukati megumi maminetsi ekusaina.
Eheka! Isu tinozviita zuva nezuva! Ingotitumirawo email nekudzvanya pane Bhatani bhatani uye mutiudze nezve yako Quiz. Isu tinowanzo pindura mukati memaawa makumi maviri nemana (kazhinji kazhinji zvishoma pane izvo).